Small Business Loan – Secured
Sale-Leaseback Agreements
Sale-leaseback agreements allow businesses to raise capital while retaining the use of all their assets. This is done by selling an owned company asset (usually a piece of equipment) to Sunset Financial Group, LLC and then leasing it back. At the conclusion of the contract, all rights are transferred back to the Lessee. A sale-leaseback can present a business with a considerable source of working capital that can be used for a variety of different purposes.

Many companies can benefit from sale-leaseback agreements. If your business does not qualify for traditional bank financing or you want to protect your company’s existing credit line, sale-leasebacks can be utilized for investment, to restructure troubled financials.

Sale-leaseback agreements also offer Lessees the chance to reap the various tax benefits associated with leasing equipment. For one, a sale-leaseback allows Lessees to structure a transaction as a taxable sale – an opportunity that can help offset net operating losses that, unless used, would otherwise expire. Since lease payments are not considered preference items, companies that operate under the Alternative Minimum Tax bracket may also benefit from engaging in a sale-leaseback.

Regardless of how long you’ve been in business as long as you own your equipment outright, you may be a viable candidate for a sale-leaseback agreement through Sunset Financial Group, LLC. Clients with no credit or less-than-perfect credit can potentially qualify for sale-leaseback financing, including those which possess open tax liens and previous bankruptcies.
(Note: While there are obvious potential tax benefits related to sale-leaseback agreements, it is always important to consult a licensed professional regarding all accounting and tax related questions and claims. Sunset Financial Group, LLC is an equipment leasing and financing company that does not provide accounting or tax consultation.)
Sunset Financial Group’s process for qualifying for this type of financing is refreshingly straightforward and easy to complete.

Complete our very simple one page application

Facilities List
Forward your SFG rep a Facilities List with equipment and/or trucks owned free & clear of any liens, you’d like to pledge as collateral

Bank Statements
Forward your SFG Rep your recent 3 months business bank statements

Receive approval with amount
Your SFG rep will discuss the approved finaning amount based on equipment values and correlating terms and payments to chose from.

Sign funding documents